Wednesday, 25 May 2016

Oracle Database - Memory Architecture

Shared Global Area - SGA

SGA is a dynamic pool which consists of various memory components. It contains control and data information for oracle database instance. SGA is shared by server process as well as background processes. SGA memory allocation and deallocation is done in terms of granules(contiguous memory) except for redolog buffer. Components of SGA are as follows
  • Database Buffer Cache
  • Redo Log Buffer
  • Shared Pool
  • Large Pool
  • Java Pool
  • Streams Pool
  • Fixed SGA

Database Buffer cache

Buffer cache is the memory component that stores copies of data blocks that are read from data files. A buffer is a memory that temporarily caches a current or recently used data blocks. This component takes care of the following 
  • Optimize the physical I/O
  • Keep freequently used blocks in buffer cache
  • Write least frequently used blocks to disk

Buffers in the buffer cache has different states
  • Unused :- The buffer is available for use
  • Clean :- Buffers that were previously used but now it has read-consistant block
  • Dirty : These are modified buffers that are not yet written to the disk

Allocation and de-allocation of buffers work on LRU(Least recently used) basis. Frequently used buffers are called hot buffer and cold buffer are those that are not used recently. Lets say when a query executes if server process can find the required data in buffer cache its called cache hit. If the data is not available in buffer cache its cache miss. Physical read happens when data block is copied from datafile to memory 

Buffer cache has different pools
  • Default cache :- defaults location for caching the blocks
  • Keep cache :- frequently used blocks as usually kept here, to avoid aging out of blocks from cache
  • Recycle cache :- Infrequently used blocks are kept here, or to phase it out of cache from consuming memory
  • Cache to keep non standard blocks (2k, 4k, 16k blocks) :- This pool keeps blocks that are not standard block size 

Redo log buffer

Redo log buffer is a circular buffer having changed vectors to the database. These changes are made through DML or DDL operations. It is the smallest memory component in SGA. Log writer process writes changed vectors from redolog buffer to online redolog files 

Shared Pool

The shared pool caches various control information. It stores info such as parsed SQL, PL/SQL code, system parameters, and data dictionary information. Shared pool has different components
  • Library Cache
  • Data Dictionary Cache
  • Server Result Cache
  • Reserved Pool

Library Cache

Library cache stores executable SQL and PL/SQL code, along with control structures such as locks and library cache handles. 

Data Dictionary Cache

Data dictionary cache hold metadata of tables and reference information about the database

Result Cache

Server result cache contains the SQL query result cache and PL/SQL function result cache. In simple words its the result of processed SQL statement

Reserved Pool

Reserved pool is a shared pool component that Oracle Database can use to allocate large contiguous chunks of memory. This pool can be used to Allocate memory from the shared pool which is performed in chunks. It will allow large object(over 5 KB) to be loaded into the cache without needing a single contiguous area

Large Pool

Large pool is an optional memory area intended for memory allocations that are larger than is appropriate for the shared pool

Java Pool

Java Pool is used along with JVM component

Streams Pool

Streams Pool is used if Oracle streams is configured or used. This pool is exclusively for the use of Oracle streams

Fixed SGA

The fixed SGA is used for internal housekeeping tasks like keeping information about locks etc 

Monday, 9 May 2016

Oracle Database - Process Architecture

Process Monitor - PMON (Mandatory/Instance Critical)

PMON is a background process that monitors all other background processes Performs process recovery for sessions terminated abnormally. It registers instance information to listener

System Monitor - SMON (Mandatory/Instance Critical)

SMON is a background process responsible for instance recovery and clean up duties. It recovers transactions that were skipped during instance recovery due to file-read or tablespace offline errors. SMON cleans unused temporary segment from temp (temp tablespace)

Log Writer - LGWR (Mandatory/Instance Critical)

LGWR is a background process writes changed vectors from buffer cache(redolog buffer) to online redolog files. Write happens from redolog buffer to redolog group in the following conditions
  • when trasaction is commited
  • when logswitch occurs
  • every 3 seconds
  • 1/3rd of redolog buffer is full
  • redolog buffer contains 1MB of data

Database Writer - DBWn 0-9 (Mandatory/Instance Critical)

DBWR process writes dirty buffers in buffer cache to disk or datafiles. Writing happens in the following conditions
  • Clean reusable buffers is not available in cache after checking threshold number of blocks
  • To advance the check point, this is the position in redolog file where recovery of the instance starts

Check Point - CKPT (Mandatory/Instance Critical)

CKPT is a background process which is responsible for 
  • Updating latest SCN to control file and data file headers
  • Writing dirty buffers from buffer cache to disk

Memory Monitor - MMON (New in Oracle 10g)

MMON collects the statistics required for AWR reports

Memory Monitor Light - MMNL (New in Oracle 10g)

MMNL writes the statistics collected to the disk and statistics are used for ASH reports as well

Memory Manager - MMAN (New in Oracle 10g)

MMAN background process manages the dynamic resizing of SGA memory components depending on load for database

Diagnostic Capture Process - DIAG (New in Oracle 11g)

DIAG process executes oradebug commands and performs diagnostic dumps requested by other processes or termination of instance. Alertlog file and all trace files will be written to a single location

Recoverer - RECO

RECO background process run on distributed database environment

General Task Execution process - GENo (New in Oracle 11g)

General Task Execution process performs required task for DMLs and SQL. GENo process handles the processes that are blocking other processes

Diagnosability Process 0 - DIA0 (New in Oracle 11g)

DIA0 is responsible for hang detection and deadlock resolution

Virtual Keeper of Time Process - VKTM (New in Oracle 11g)

VKTM acts as a time publisher for an Oracle instance. VKTM publishes two sets of time: a wall clock time using a seconds interval and a higher resolution time (which is not wall clock time) for interval measurements

Process Spawner - PSPO

Process Spawner spawns oracle background process after initial startup of the instance. It was introduced in Oracle 10g. This process creates and manages other oracle background processes

Job Queue Coordinator Process - CJQO

This process selects jobs that need to be run from the data dictionary and spawns job queue slave processes (Jnnn) to run the jobs. JQ0 is automatically started and stopped as needed by Oracle Scheduler. CJQ0 starts only as many job queue processes as required by the number of jobs to run and available resources

Space Management Coordinator - SMCO

This background process is responsible for coordinating the execution of various space management tasks, including proactive space allocation and space reclamation. SMCO dynamically spawns slave processes (Wnnn) to implement these tasks.

Archiver - ARCH (Optional)

Archiver is the background process that copies exact copy of the online redolog file to the disk (destination provided in the parameter file log_archive_dest_1). This background process run only when the database is in archivelog mode

Recovery Writer - RVWR (Optional) (New in Oracle 10g)

RVWR background process runs if database is in flashback mode. It writes flashback data to the flashback logs in the fast recovery area(FRA). FRA destination parameter db_recovery_file_dest is set in database pfile

Change Tracking Writer - CTWR (Optional)(New in Oracle 10g)

CTWR process writes changed block information from buffer to the change tracking file. Block change tracking is enabled to improve the performance of RMAN incremental backup

Database resource manager - DBRM (Optional)

Database resource manager takes care of setting plans to users and all other database resource management activities. It controls the use of computing resources

Virtual Scheduler for Resource Manager - VKRM (Optional)

VKRM process Serves as centralized scheduler for Resource Manager activity.CPU scheduling for all managed Oracle processes is handled by VKRM. The process schedules managed processes in according to an active resource plan

Click here to read Oracle Database Memory Structure

Click here to read Oracle Database Logical Structure